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Graduate Students:
Alec Daly (2020–)
Conrad Meyer-Reed (2022–)

Abhinav Prasad (2022–)
Long Le (2024–)

Undergraduate Students:​​​​
Andrew Staff (2023–)
Yi-Ting Chen (2024–)
Zack Coombs (2024–)
Holly Gustavsen (2024–)
Postdoctoral Researchers:

Dr. Longzhi Gan

Graduate students:
Sheng Huang (2019–2024)
Longzhi Gan (2017–2022)
Luisa Capannolo (2017–2020)
Ben Roulston (Summer, 2017)
Bryanne Mcdonough (Summer, 2020)
Undergraduate students:
Jingxuan Li (2022–2024)
Yulu Peng (2020–2023)
Catherine Miller (Spring, 2021)
Alex Green (2017–2020)
Bhargavi Thakar (2019–2020)
Justin Castillo (2017–2019)
Postdoctoral Researchers:
Dr. Longzhi Gan (2023–2024)
Dr. Miroslav Henzelka (2022–2023)
Dr. Luisa Capannolo (2020–2022)
Dr. Murong Qin (2020–2022; Jack Eddy Fellow)
Dr. Xiaochen Shen (2018–2020)
Dr. Run Shi (2017–2018)
Research Assistant Positions Available
I am currently very interested in working with graduate or undergraduate research assistants on various interesting research projects in space physics. If you are interested in, please contact Dr. Wen Li for more information.
Graduate Program Application Requirements
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